Monday, April 19, 2010

Live Longer and Feel Younger:::[Vitamin Guide...Nutritionist Earl Mindel]


Follow vitamin plan geared to your age.  With proper diet, life style, exercise and taking the correct vitamins and minerals, you can slow down the aging process. With correct nutrients for your age group your body can be a well-tuned machine.  If you are not receiving the right amount of vitamins and minerals for your age your body will not functioning properly and even aging before time.  Skin problem, teeth problem, impotence and prostate gland problems, all these problems can be prevented earlier.
Nutrient needs change from childhood to adulthood.  During the growth stage, calcium and iron are very important and vitamin C is needed because it helps assimilate iron.  Vitamins A and D are important specially for children.  Both vitamins help promote healthy skin and hair.  Vitamin A helps prevent infection and vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which children need for bone growth.

The B vitamins are important for all age specially for children, B1 promote normal appetite and growth, B12 helps regenerate blood cells.  From age 12 to 18 zinc is important for  clearing up skin blemishes.  Junk foods  should be avoided because iodine found in salt-laced junk foods worsens acne.  Once girls start menstruating iron needs is increases. (About 18mg/day of iron should help).

Higher overall vitamin mineral dosages are recommended for adults . Adults under 40 and use to smoke and drink excessively or under heavy stress, the most important is to increase B vitamins.

The B complex can help reduce stress.  For women taking birth control pills, vitamin B6 and vitamin C are important.  But as adult get older their metabolism slows, meaning they may require lower amount of overall vitamins.

From middle age minerals are important especially zinc for men it can help prevent prostate gland problems and impotence.  For people 50 and older, minerals are crucial. Calcium and the vitamin D to absorb it and is vital in keeping the bones from becoming brittle.  And zinc is beneficial for men to prevent prostate problem.

Although vitamin needs decrease with old age because of slower metabolism, older people must make sure they get adequate amount of all nutrients.  Before treating any special problems with vitamins, you should consult your nutritionally oriented physician.  Also do not exceed the recommended dosages of fat soluble vitamin A, D and E.

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